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C? K. J. 5.
4 10. 7. 3.
A. K. Where Can You Buy Permethrin 6.
^ A. J. 7, 2.
C? A.4.
♦ Q. 5, 4.
^ K. 3.
Score : — N.S., lo ; E.W., 26.
South deals and declares dia-
monds. Leader, West.
(i) West leads 5 of spades.
Won by East.
(2) East leads 2 of spades.
Won by South.
(3) South leads Buy Permethrin Spray a high diamond. Where Can I Buy Permethrin Cream
Won by East with the king.
(4) East leads spade trumped
by South.
(5) South leads high diamond.
Won by East. North discards
(6) East's only chance to save
the game is to find West with a
trick in hearts. He leads the 5 ;
South puts on the ace first round
to draw Permethrin Spray Where To Buy the remaining trumps, if
divided, and his clubs and trumps
win all the remaining tricks.
N.S. score 24 by cards and 12
by honours and win the game.
If East had changed Where To Buy Permethrin suit and
opened the hearts at trick 4,
as he ought to have done, when
he still had the command of
trumps, he would have saved the
game ; but these windfalls are
part of the dealer's perquisites.
Now suppose that South de-
clares No Trumps. There is no
preventing E.W. from making
three spades, two diamonds and
two hearts, and N.S. lose the odd
trick and the game. If the game
be the deciding Permethrin Where To Buy one of the rubber,
better go No Trumps and take
your chance ; otherwise, the ques-
tion cannot but be considered
dubious, depending on the idio-
syncrasy of the player and the
view of life he happens to enter-
tain at the moment.
With four aces always make
No Trumps. You have four
certain tricks, and are 100 by
honours. With three aces and
the deal make No Trumps. This
is an exception to the normal No
Trump hand, which has been
defined as a queen above the
average. On a pass it is very
doubtful whether you should
make No Trumps on three aces
and nothing else. The exposure
of the hand is always a source of
weakness ; but with an adverse
score it is neck or nothing.
Speaking generally, for the same
reason, the dealer's partner, at
love all, cannot afford to strain
the declaration with the same
impunity as the dealer.
Two aces, a king and a queen
are rather better than three aces.
But two aces and a king, or one
ace and two kings, are not sound
as No Trumpers, unless you are
driven by desperation, when, like
the drowning man, you clutch at
straws. Holding
C?K.7.3; ♦A. 8, 6, 4;
A. 5. 4, 2 ; ♦ K), 9.
the dealer should pass, the dealers*
partner should make spades. Buy Permethrin Cream Online In
the long run you are bound to
lose by playing against the pro-
babilities. The dealer, having
passed, cannot be trusted for
more than three tricks, and his
partner, with the above cards,
should expect to lose the odd.
You are better off if you lose five
by cards in spades than the odd
in No Trumps.
When the adversaries are so
nearly game that they are almost
certain to go out on their next
deal, it has been recommended Buy Permethrin Cream to
go No Trumps on a doubly-
guarded queen in each suit. The
policy is exceedingly doubtful. In
such a case partner may be
trusted to declare for the utmost
his haiad is worth, and if, when
you pass, Where Can I Buy Permethrin he can do no better for
you than a spade, be thankful to
save what you can out of the
wreck. If you are in a particu-
larly tight corner, and hold
C?Q. 10,7,3; +0.6,5;
Q. 9, 8 ; ♦ Q. 3, 2.
stretch a point and go hearts ;
you • have at least a colourable
A useful mode of computing
whether or no a given hand is a
legitimate No Trumper is to reckon
an ace as equal to a king plus a
knave, or to a queen plus a knave
plus a lo. Similarly, a king equal
to a queen plus a lo, or to a knave
plus a lo plus a 9, never forgetting
that, to be worth its full value, a
card must have its full comple-
ment of guards.
II. — Hearts.
When you cannot make No
Trumps, you are naturally de-
sirous of making hearts. Con-
sider the following : —
(10) C? A. J. 7, 6, 5; + 8, 4, 3;
K. 2 ; + A. 6, 5.
Counting one of the aces as the
equivalent of a queen plus a knave
plus a 10, we see, first, that this
hand is not a queen above the
average, and, secondly, that the
king of diamonds has lost value.
It is not, therefore, at love all, a
No Trumper. Is it a heart hand ?
The criteria that have been sug-
gested (and we think them good,
though a rigid line of demarcation
is Where Can I Buy Permethrin Spray impossible) Permethrin Buy are the following : —
To go hearts on five, as dealer,
when you cannot go No Trumps,
(i) The hand should be at least
of average strength.
(2) You should hold at least
one certain trick in the hearts
These two conditions (when the
length of Where To Buy Permethrin Cream the trump suit is taken
into account) ensure a reiasonable
probability that you will not be
put hoYs de combat by a force in
one of Where To Buy Permethrin Spray the weak suits, and that
you will, in any case, win the odd
trick. Under such circumstances
it is imprudent to drop the sub-
stance for the sake of snatching
at the shadow. Your partner may
be Permethrin Cream Buy able to declare No Trumps if
you pass, and you may win the
game right oflf. Equally well, he
may be forced to fall back on
spades, and you will only have
yourself to blame.